A hanging indent indents the second line of a paragraph instead of the first. Justified adds spacing between words so that the lines of text touch both the left and right margins, except for the last line of the paragraph, which uses normal word spacing. How to Change or Unify the Indents of the Number List. In Hindi Videos For FREE At It's all you'll need most of the time. The advantage of this method is that you can see the text move as you move the tab. Click the up or down arrows next to By to adjust the depth of the indent. Select one paragraph or a group of paragraphs that you want to adjust. Go to the ‘File’ tab, and click on ‘Options’. On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, select First line. Apply to a style: Select the indented text. Click and drag the Left Indent marker or the Right Indent marker on the Ruler to adjust where the text will start and end on a line. This is the amount that each line will be indented. Microsoft Word is a great program for great word documents, but sometimes settings get changed and you end up pulling your hair out trying to fix it! Word offers three types of indents: normal indents, first line indents, and hanging indents.